Oct 29, 2008

It is ON !!!

Joe Savoie and I have a competition going on as Joe describes it on www.nencycling.org - Jon and I set up a little bet to help encourage each other to loose weight in the off season. His goal is to weigh 190 by 1 March... Mine is to loose go from 185 by 1 March. For both of us, it is about 15 lbs. Whoever gets there to their goal first or is the closest by 1 March gets a free Dinner.

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Website Extreme Makeover and Twitter!

The Elkhorn Valley Cycling Club www.nencycling.org has been given an extreme makeover, hopefully making better use of space while displaying tons of useful information. The new page displays the same calendar, blogs, and stories and now has local news and a wiki.

For those who use Twitter, Elkhorn Valley Cycling now has a Twitter feed - add nencycling or team@nencycling.org to your Twitter account for updates! In the near future, catch racing updates, last minute ride notifications, and other tidbits on local cycling via Twitter updates to your cell phone or email inbox.

Don't use Twitter? Check it out today, it is a great way to keep up  on updates on such things as Nebraska Cycling News, Velo News, Rock Racing, and even Lance Armstrong. Even Dan and Jon have Twitters.

Stop by and check it out.


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Oct 17, 2008

Ok, now what?

After surgery, I thought recovery was going to last forever. I visited the therapsit a couple days after surgery and was given some rudimentary exercises that were supposed to take me six weeks to do at full range of motion.

Wednesday I went back to the therapist, one week after surgery. I went through my exercises for the therapist. Huh, you are at the four week level. Can I do more? No.



So, its more of the same - going through the motions. But - its only 4 1/2 weeks now.

Oct 14, 2008

Getting Back Into Things

Slowly returning back to the world. Cautiously. And optimistically.

Oct 7, 2008

Sugery. Tomorrow. Noon.

Pretty much tells it all. Except for the part about wearing a shoulder immobilizer for the next 6 weeks.Then 6 weeks of therapy.

So, look out January: Here I come.